Alexander Barton (@alexbarton)

Freiburg, Germany

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @alexbarton ever

September 19th, 2020

TheDevel0per Man es nicht oft genug posten!

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 1:46 PM, Sep 19th, 2020 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

haekelschwein In meiner politisch einseitigen Newsbubble erfahre ich gar nix von den linksextremen Polizeinetzwerken, in denen Stalinbildchen getauscht werden. Daran liegt es doch, oder?

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 1:00 PM, Sep 19th, 2020 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

GretaThunberg Our destruction of nature is truly horrible.
But perhaps the most alarming thing here is that this barely makes the news. Because that means that as it is now, we won’t be able to change it. The public opinion needed will never exist if people aren’t even aware of the problem.…

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 12:07 PM, Sep 19th, 2020 via Tweetbot for iΟS)