Alexander Barton (@alexbarton)

Freiburg, Germany

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @alexbarton ever

April 1st, 2015

RT @openzfsonosx: New stable release (#NotAprilFools) OpenZFS on OS X 1.3.1 with Spotlight! #openzfs #zfs #o3x #Yos…

via Tweetbot for Mac

RT @debian: Good things come to those who… wait; #Debian #jessie will be stable on 2015-04-25:

via Twitterrific

EmsDiti Gute von zur . Treffender kann man’s nicht darstellen, diesen .

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:08 AM, Apr 1st, 2015 via Twitterrific)